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Dabang brings in Delhi Together

The Kabaddi fever finally reached Delhi, with Dabang Delhi playing their first match yesterday against Bengal Worriers yesterday at the Thyagraj Stadium. Though unfortunately, the team lost their first match at the home turf, but it was really captivating to see such a turn out at the stadium, emphatically cheering their team.

That’s Delhi for you my friend, always in high spirits and always Dabang. There seems to be no requisite for anyone to repeat over and over, yet I will do so, Kabaddi is our game, the country’s game, something we all relate to, something defines the spirit of the nation; the spirit of ‘never giving up’. Delhi on Saturday, witnessed a reflection of the same very spirit. Dabang Delhi, in their inaugural home match yesterday, brought together not just its fans under one roof, but also other sports celebrities, musicians, artisans and more importantly politicians.

A the lead of any story in a mainstream daily about Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal visiting a Kabaddi match would have a very political scoop or publicity stint to it. However, looking things in an entirely different way, Dabang Delhi yesterday managed to bring in the Chief Minister of the National Capital, Olympic medallist, wrestler Sushil Kumar and popular Punjabi singer Daler Mehndi in the stands to support the home team. Yes, that’s the power of the game, it unifies everyone. And Dabang Delhi, with its own Dilli walla spirit has done absolutely magic. With news of Indian football captain Sunil Chettri being in the stands today around, the energy and the charisma of the Delhi team seems to be overflowing into its supporters.

Very orthodox-ically, taking a cue of what the Chief Minister said in his speech, the Delhi Kabaddi team reflects of what the spirit of the city is. And this is probably the reason as to why everyone is coming out in support of the team so enthusiastically. The Kabaddi ring is probably the most energetic ring right now in the League based Indian sports circuit. And this energy is radiating so fast because of this co-relation or rather cultural proximity that audience has developed with the game. Media researchers have debated over and over as to how we follow something with all our spirits if we find it to be culturally co-relatable. And with the region based division of the team, this cultural proximity has actually managed to engulf the entire nation into one spirit.

And it is actually very pleasing to see that the team from the national capital is leading the march of cultural unification with Kabaddi ring being the hotspot. The Indian Premier League initiated the fusion of glamour and cricket, with Bollywood meeting the gentleman’s game. The Indian Super League made football meet cricket and Bollywood. And now we have the Pro Kabaddi league making everyone meet together; bollywood, cricket, wresting, football, public figures and more importantly culture.       


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