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Love? Arranged? Naa, Semi-Arranged!!

After fighting the battles of Education and Job, most of the youths today ultimately go through a war in their homes regarding their take on Love Marriage or Arranged one.
Though exceptions are always there, but generally our life is filled with various battles, the battle for Chocolate, the battle for Excellence in Studies, the Battle for Job and ultimately the battle for marriage.
Unlike the previous generations, where parents used to commit their close friends that 'our dosti will be converted to ristedari', parents these days are way cooler and acts according to the wish of their sons and daughters, though always in some corner of their mind they always long for Arranged Marriage, which seems quite obvious.

But the real problem is with us. What are we suppose to choose? The most interesting fact of the present romancing generation is that, almost most of us are associated in multiple relationships. The magazine concept of Playboy, is quite a reality now with almost each one us having changed an average of 2 lovers. And sometimes the number might exceed the multiples of 2 also.
So, it is quite a certain that people, after experiencing distorted Girlfriend-Boyfriend clashes for so many years with so many praters, ultimately want to settle with someone chosen by their parents. May be because they are tried or may be if later if things doesn't shape around correctly, they have someone to blame upon.
A very recent column by Chetan Bhagat in Times of India, said that guys today distinguish between Girlfriend types and Marriageable types. Yeah it is cent percent true, we party around girls who are quite open minded but marry someone who to tend to be stereotypical.
Though it might seem pretty out of the trend, but most of the marriageable youths today give a first preference to arranged marriage
However, here comes another doubt of mine, are there arranged marriages actually arranged? I mean, people always lay down conditions before finalizing the girl. I will meet the girl alone. I will talk to her. I will spend some time with her ; and some other clauses. And if all of them are satisfied and both of them find themselves compatible, they marry, else reject.
So, how does that turns up to be Arranged? What I suppose, arranged marriage is something where you abide by whatever your parents choose and marry with out any clause. But now, parents are merely asked to lay out the options and the penultimate decision is taken by the one who is to sit for marriage. That is not arranged nor love marriage. So what this is Semi Arranged marriage or Semi Love Marriage.  
It can be concluded that people now days actually don't go for conventional Arranged or Love marriage, but rather they have improvised the system and go for something that suits the need of the hour.
PS: I am still confused what I am suppose to do, and give that to time to decide my fate.


  1. I think you need to read ALL the posts that will be uploaded on this topic on indiblogger... they will surely give you some direction.
    Your post is lively and well written and expresses the confusion rather well. :)

    Arvind Passey

  2. I think this was a good read.. Always a debate :)

  3. nice post :) all the best! Have a look at this one too whenever you get time :)

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