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A Talk That Changed Things

Things aren’t that fine when you have failed in almost every subject in your pre-boards (3rd term). This was back in 2012, when I not at all prepared to appear for my class 12th examination; yes, not at all prepared. Having scored 9 out of 100 in Chemistry, 25 of 100 in Physics and 37 of 100 in Biology, English and Psychology were the only subjects I passed. Not a scorecard to flaunt, but just a glimpse of the nightmare I was in; couple of weeks to go for boards and this is where I stand.

Things really weren’t that smooth for me in my entire two years of schooling in Delhi. The first year ended in jaundice, and the second year started with absolutely no idea where to start off. Moreover, a miscalculation lead me or rather forced me to take up Science as a subject, and here I was at the brink of a disaster.

Coupled with personal distress and conflict of interest, I really had a difficult time. Was never really a bad student having scored really well in my class 10th and this added more to the burden. With expectations running from family’s end considering the fact that they have invested a lot in sending me Delhi, I was no short of a nervous breakdown.

What I needed at this point of time was motivation; someone to restore the lost faith I had in me. What happens when things do not go in your favour is that all your capabilities get blocked and you never know if you can unblock them on time.

I wanted to pursue Journalism as a career and for that I needed to at least pass class 12th and the state I was in made it look impossible for it to happen.
But you know, if things have to change, they do and it just require one instance to happen so. Sometimes interaction with someone happens to be that magic moment, and this is a moment that you cherish for time and again.

Today, I am just days away from completing my college, hoping to graduate with an honour in Journalism from Delhi University. How did it happen? Well, it was just one interaction with my then flatmate, Namandeep Bhatia, who was then a final year engineering student.

This fine December morning I was talking to Naman, who himself was battling numerous back papers. Despite such distress, Naman was one chilled person. On the other hand, I was one paranoid guy, cursing my luck and crying thinking of the consequence of what is to happen in the next few weeks.

I asked him just one question, ‘Why me?’ To this, Naman had just one reply, “Do you repeat the same when you are doing really well?”

“We never take the joy being what actually we are, but always ready to grief for what we not.” He said.

I perfectly remember what he said as it laid foundations for someone who I am still trying to be. He gave me a dose to be emotionally stable. When we are distressed, we usually end up comparing ourselves with others, and this is the worst thing we can do to ourselves. And a conversation with Naman made me realize that most emotionally stable people are the ones who enjoy the ‘joy of being themselves’.

The conversation lasted for just one cigarette. But in a span of five minutes, Naman with a smiling face reminded me of capabilities I had and inspired me to pull off which I believed was impossible.

Naman taught me what the power of optimism was, he taught me how optimism and determination can turn impossible into possible. Today I am about to pass out of a course I always dreamt of doing, Naman cleared his back and got married on February 20th this year.



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