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Shrimanta Shankardev Movement: Delhi Initiative

I was never actually fascinated by Sattriya Dance. I had already developed a stereotype that its boring, so I never really tried watching it. I had known about Shrimanta Shankardev, not just because, I am student of Shrimanta Shankar Academy, but also because I  belong to the Satra Nagari Barpeta in Assam. But enjoying the dance was not my cup of tea.
This 13th September, an event was organized on Shankardev. I decided to be there as a responsible native of Assam. As someone who holds deep respect for this multi talented saint of Assam. And being there, I come back with a good taste of Sattriya Dance. I actually loved it. So here I am presenting my first photo blog. 
Khols is a traditional Assamese Musical Instrument initiated by Shankardev to accompany his musical Dramas 

The Sattriya dance started with a Khol presentation of the Artists 

It is accompanied by Taals, another instrument developed by the Mahapurush

Synchronizing the beats to the moves 

he Sutradhar ~~ basically the narrator of Dance -Drama form such as Bhowna or Jhumura

A Close up of the Sutradhar

A Satriyya Dancer

Kanha caught in red hand while stealing Makhana (Butter) by the Yashoda and Gopis 

The Kahna Act


  1. New generation in India is so pervert and lust for sex that they can do bad or kill with anyone. Relationship has no meaning for them. Just few months back VARUN YADAV, AJAY PAL SINGH URRF SHEELU and SHAFIQ ALAM B.Tech and polytechnic students killed brutally their teacher Jagdamba Prasad Mishra an ex-principal of Govt. Polytechnic and his wife at Kanpur to robbed them and give gifts to their girl friends! SHAME ON SUCH PEOPLE AND SUCH PERVERT GENERATION!


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