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The Czar of Current Assamese Music: Papon

I am not one who keeps on saying that ‘Music is my life’. I am rather one who would like to introduce myself as a keen follower of music. I love music, and it is no doubt an integral part of my day to day life, which I suppose has no point of being discussed here. But today I would rather like to say something about this particular guy, Angaraag Papon Mahanta, who can be termed as the Czar of the present Assamese  Music generation. And most significantly, he achieved this position on his own, irrespective of the fact that both his mom and dad are renowned Assamese musicians.And for those who don't know him, he is the singer of the songs, "Jeeye Kyu" from the Movie Dum Marro Dum, and the latest, "Kyu" from Barfi.
Angaraag Papon Mahanta
I am supposedly one of the very first persons who were introduced to this intoxicating voice of Papon during the preliminary phases of his musical career. My uncle also happened to be a fond music lover, and he has a whole lot collection of unconventional of musical albums. So when ‘Junaki Raati’ of the Assamese musical Czar was released in the year 2004, me being a young student of Class V, heard him for the first time through this uncle of mine. He had the cassette in his car, which I borrowed from him as I was addicted to his song called ‘Mom Mur Uri Gusi Jai’. This was it; I became an esteemed fan and follower of this star. I kept a narrow watch of his developments, and when he formed his band called, The East India Company in 2007, I was the first one in whole of my friends circle to talk about it. Infact, as a matter of fact, one of my friends, Zubin from DPS used to tease me with the band’s name, as he believed that no such band existed. But  Pallab and Jyotirmoy, two of my best friends, who heard of him through me and joined the initial legacy of his fan following.
This is it, look at him now. Papon is an idolized name in the lips of each and every youth of Assam and even whole of NE and India. But what actually made him such a success? What has he done apart of utilizing his gifted intoxicating voice? Well he brought in something into the Assamese music industry, which have changed the whole orientation of the industry. He fused the folk with rock. He blended in modern musical instruments with the traditional tunes and this has really clicked well not only in the regional but also in the national music industry. He is the one who is credited to have invented this new genre of music called the electrofolk.   
The best thing about Papon was that, even when people didn’t know him, he performed in some of the so much well know prestigious and established places. He attended many of the international music summits, and performed significantly well. And it was all because of his incredible talent of attracting the music lovers around. His hard work and innovation in music made him associated with many top class musicians of the country and world, and combined with him, he delivered master pieces.
One of his songs, ‘Naina Lagge’, that was recently included in the movie ‘SoundTrack’ was performed in a show in Geneva, alongside the greats Midival Punditz, which gives you fair enough idea about his classical base. I happened to come across this video of the song, few years back, probably in 2009, in Youtube and since then I have been trying hard to share it, but luck enough the movie sound track did the trick for me.

The ‘Pak Pak’, the signature Bihu song of Papon, which has been the demand of all the Assamese youth was actually performed in Singapore, where hardly anyone understood the language, and yet they did not refrain from joining him, such is the energy of him. If you happen to browse through the practice jamming session video of the song in Bangalore, you would actually learn how much hard work he put in into the song to make it such a hit.

Continuing to this, the best thing about Papon’s concerts is that, he puts in a lot of energy into his shows, and noticeably towards the end of the songs. Every song of him has a very energetic end which enthralls the audience.
The name of Papon is not only restricted to the domains of Assamese music industry now. He is a national hit. His songs of Bollywood have the top of the charts. And he has been in the limelight of most of top musicians, especially after his contribution to show called MTV Coke Studio. The recent song on the show is such a wonderful fusion of the folk and rock or in the other words, ethnic and modernity.

Papon is no doubt the best things to have happened to the Assamese music industry in the recent times, he is the one who has to be credited with the miracle of bring back Folk music into the hearts of the current generation. I have been a keen follower or rather a diehard fan right from his first album to his latest coke studio venture. He has been nominated twice under the Best Folk Album category for his two Assamese folk albums Gomseng (Bihu) with Rashmi and Phagunar Gaan (Holi Songs) at the prestigious GIMA awards. And apart from that his song with Rabbi Shergil, called ‘Khulle da Rabb’ and been the part of an international channel. Thus he is a matter of pride for the Assamese music community, in fact whole of the Assamese population for his significant work.  
Love and Fame all his way: Papon


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